Mabon is the autum equinox, a time of balance, when the days and nights are of equal length, directly opposite the Wheel from Ostara. From this point on, the nights will continue to become longer and the days shorter until Yule. Mabon is named for the Celtic God Mabon, who is the son of Modron. It occurs in late September, somewhere between the 20th and the 23rd.

At Mabon we mourn the loss of the Son/Sun and but also rejoice because He will remain safe in the womb of the Mother until His rebirth at Yule.

Mabon is known as the 2nd Harvest. During this time of year we give thanks for the gifts of the Earth, and take a look at what we have accomplished in our own lives. We reflect on the goals we had made in the spring, how far we have come in reaching those goals, and what remains to be done.

It is also a time to prepare for the coming winter. We gather seeds to plant in the spring and canning and storing of food is usually undertaken.

Pagans often have outdoor rituals at this time. The altar is decorated with fruits of the harvest and usually faces west, toward the setting sun. We bring foods that we have grown ourselves and wear wreaths of leaves and ivy around our heads. We often make corn dollies.

An important myth at Mabon is the story of Demeter and Persephone:

According to Myth, the god Hades fell in love with Persephone and asked Zeus if he could take her to the underworld to be his bride. When Zeus refused to give out right permission, Hades carried Persephone off.

Demeter was devastated and wandered the earth looking for Persephone. While Demeter searched there was a perpetual winter and all vegetation failed.

Zeus finally persuaded Hades to return Persephone, but Hades was very clever. Before he released Persephone, he gave her pomegranate seeds to eat knowing that the "food of the dead" would make her tied to the underworld for eternity.

Demeter became extremely angry when she found out about the pomegranate seeds and returned the earth to the barren cold. Zeus eventually struck a compromise between Hades and Demeter. Persephone would spend half of the year with Hades as the Queen of the Underworld and the rest of the time with her mother. During the time that Persephone is away, we have winter.

The ancient Sabbat of Mabon has become "Harvest Home" celebrations in many places, but much of the spirituality has been lost.

The colors of Mabon are golds, oranges and browns, colors that represent the autumn.

Herbs for Mabon include rue, chamomile and sage

Stones include clear quartz, amber, and tiger's eye