IMBOLC--February 2nd

Imbolc, also known as Brigid or Candlemas, is the Sabbat associated with the first signs of Spring. The word "imbolc" is an archaic term for "milk". During early February, ewes that were pregnant began lactating, and this was taken as a sure sign that warmer weather was on it's way.

This Sabbat is sacred to Brigid, the Celtic Goddess of Fire and Inspiration.


Imbolc is often associated with purification. Ancient peoples probably were thinking about a more physical type of "purification" after being cooped up for the long cold winter! Today, the purification we speak of tends to be more of the spiritual type.
According to some sources the word Candlemas has it's roots in Christianity and was the time when Jesus was presented to the temple, and Mary was "purified." (In those days, Jewish women were considered unclean" after giving birth)


Imbolc is often a time of divination, where we look toward the coming year, plying our psychic skills and bringing out our tarot cards, crystal balls, scrying mirrors..ect.
It is easy to understand how this ancient Pagan holiday became Groundhog's Day, when we use a furry mammal to predict the weather for the next six weeks.Understandable, but not funny!


Imbolc is often a time of initiation. Many covens initiate new members during this Sabbat and new degrees are obtained.
It is also a time when many dedicate themselves to a particular God or Goddess for the coming year, based upon qualities they wish to develop in themselves.